I graduated basic and AIT on time... crazy I know... it was actually pretty fun... nothing like I thought it would be. It was really a lot easier than I anticipated. Now I'm at my duty station... working my way through the last week or so of training before I can actually do my job. I've met a few people that are really helpful and stuff and I should be able to get my OCS packet put together soon and start the next phase of this crazy life.
DH is working on reenlisting as well. We've talked about it a lot and we both think we're ready for it. He still has a few more things to finish before he knows for sure if he'll even be able to but he's hoping to find out early next month.
Oh! I almost forgot! I'm hoping to restart working on my MBA next month as well. It'll be all online... so I'll be able to work on it when I'm not working. We shall see...