Wednesday, February 23, 2011

News from GA... Puppy Updates... and other stuff

Soo bad news or good news first? Lets start with the bad news eh?  Ok...
Got two letters from Tim yesterday saying that he was probably NOT gonna be home for my spring break... Looking at another couple weeks at least before he gets out... Soo he's hoping he'll be home in time for his birthday (mid-March) so am I!! Will keep you updated on that front...
Puppies!! Two are sold and picked out, one is not picked out but sold and we're keeping one!! James has decided that he wants a puppy so he's getting one from this litter... a female currently called "the twin" because she looks almost the same as the male.  So there's one female pup left for sale!!  They have all hit the one pound mark and are working towards 1.5 although they have slowed down on eating slightly.  Yesterday they got to taste some turkey which 3 of them loved and one had no idea what to do with it (she took a piece into a corner and sat there staring at it!! The last puppy was sleeping and didn't really want to wake up for the food.  We'll try some more turkey and maybe some venison today.

This morning the puppies got to try lapping milk out of a bowl! It worked!! YAY!! This will definitely make feeding them easier!! Now we just have to make sure that they're all getting enough to eat but that should be easy, I'm thinking the hard part will be making sure they don't OVEReat!! LOL
The snow is... kind of going away... Kind of... It was almost gone and then we got another foot and now its been WAY below freezing for the past two days (2 degrees this morning!).  Gonna call about getting some more hay sometime today, we are definitely gonna need some more before spring.
Chickens are doing great!! I'm getting about 6-8 eggs every day!! Thinking about incubating a bunch of them come spring and seeing if the feed store will purchase the chicks.  Also contemplating hatching some and bumping them off as day or week olds for the kitties... Not sure whether the cats'll like them or not though so we'll definitely start small with that venture!
The mice are thriving!! I believe that I've got 3 prego females, 2 colored and one albino.  The male is verging on obese so he'll probably be culled sometime this week assuming I can get somewhere to purchase a new male... Can't remember if I have a second male in the tank or not.  I'll check that today.
Talked to a falconer last night, probably gonna get to go out hunting a little bit over spring break!! YAY!! That oughta be fun!! I'll be sure and tell ya all about it if/when I go out.  Depends on weather and snow fall.
I guess that pretty much wraps up the news for the past couple weeks... I've been pretty delinquent about updating but I'll try and do better!!

That's all for now!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

News from Tim!

Got news from Tim on Sunday (yes, the same night as the Super(boring)Bowl.  He is coming home! Due to a slight injury during the first week he missed a full week of mandatory training and was given the option to either wait for 6 weeks for another group to come in and restart basic training or go home.  He said he's coming home!  He won't actually BE home for another 3 weeks-ish but he'll probably end up being home by my Spring Break so I can go visit!! YAY!

Prayers for both of us for wisdom on what to do next are greatly appreciated as now we are unsure as to whether we can actually go ahead with planning a summer 2012 wedding or if we'll have to push it back some.  Depends on jobs/school/etc.  Still not sure if he's gonna go back to school or not (fingers crossed that he will!).
Of course puppies eyes are open... don't remember if I posted about that yet... They are all growing like bad weeds! Snickers is doing well, she's going in for a spay tomorrow because our vet thinks she has a slight infection that's likely to get worse and since we aren't going to breed her again anyway we might as well spay now.
Finally got my raw food order from BlueRoseRaw, the stuff looks GREAT! Of course the beef heart is wonderful (at least the dogs think so!) and the pork necks look great too.  Twig tried one out and highly approved. This order we tried pork  necks, chicken backs, turkey chunks, tripe, spleen, and beef heart... Maybe we'll try to rabbit or goat next order!
Well... one of the perks of being a college student is that you occasionally have tests... I have one of those amazing critters to study for at present so I'll leave you all to ponder the greater mysteries of the universe and I shall go study Invert Zoology!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow.... and more snow....

So I woke up this morning... always a good thing to do right?  Anyways, I got up, let the dog out and the poor guy was trying to walk across the top of the "snow" that was frozen over the top.... It was actually slightly amusing...

Eventually he came back inside, the sibs and I got ready for school and I went out to see what the ice-scraping was gonna look like... It actually wasn't too bad ON the car... it was all the ice AROUND the car that worried me... The concrete pad was more like an ice skating rink, we should have been selling tickets!! It was seriously icy and completely smooth.  The driveway wasn't actually that bad though, just drove really slow!! Main roads weren't bad either as a matter of fact... So we finally got to school (in the rain) and none of my classes were cancelled (not surprising... my school NEVER cancels class!).  So yeah... I've been at school all day, wondering what the roads are gonna be like on my way home... The temps are supposed to be dropping throughout the day and I think that they have been... Its also snowing pretty hard right now and blowing around... So it remains to be seen whether or not we actually go to Bible Study tonight in Edinboro... if our roads are bad, theirs are worse.
Wrote another letter to Tim today... talked to a friend whose husband just got out of the Army and to a friend whose husband is currently in the Airforce... It's really nice to talk to people who have actually been in the situation.... I just need to keep praying for Tim and sending letters!! Still haven't gotten any back from him but I know he's really busy and probably really tired right now... We'll see, maybe I'll get something this week!

That's all for now folks... Got physics lab to head off to and email to check.  Stay safe drivers!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Been a while...

So yeah. I actually have a life so I haven't posted in a while... A brief synopsis (good word eh?) of my life for the past week.... 

Monday (a week ago) -- Got a call from my fiance's drill instructor... says he's depressed, wants to come home.... 
Tuesday (a week ago) -- My mom calls me after school to say fiance called the house and he wants me to know he's fine but forgot my cell number (that's OK because I don't know HIS cell number either...probably should work on that)
Wednesday -- got fiance's address... HIS mom calls me after school to let me know that he called HER and says he's depressed... I mail a letter
Thursday -- no news about fiance, Snickers (the momma dog) starts shaking and stumbling around at 11pm, take her to emergency vet with eclampsia/milk fever (calcium deficiency), spend 2 hours at vets, get home at 3am, bottle-feed puppies, get to bed at 4am
Friday -- up at 7am, leave for school... still no news from Tim, mail another letter, get home, bottle feed pups through the night
Saturday -- no news is good news, feeding pups is getting easier, slept all afternoon
Sunday -- puppies eating very well, someone is still getting up twice a night to feed them though
Monday -- puppies doing great, cutting them back to one night feeding, no news from Tim
Tuesday (today!) -- puppies showed growth yesterday, Tim's mom emails to say Tim's dad got a voicemail from Tim saying he was OK, apparently he sounded better than he did last week, more letters mailed... 
So!! It's been a busy, busy week!! I've had a cold-like thing going on since Thursday... decided yesterday it was probably a combination of little sleep, very cold and allergies from feeding horses...

Got a test on Thursday... need to study for that... Classes are going pretty well considering everything... Agility class has started up again so I'm happy... 

Need to weigh myself again... haven't been eating as much as I probably should be... Oh well, hoping to start working out a little bit again starting today...  Hopefully I'll be getting some news from Tim soon!!