Wednesday, February 9, 2011

News from Tim!

Got news from Tim on Sunday (yes, the same night as the Super(boring)Bowl.  He is coming home! Due to a slight injury during the first week he missed a full week of mandatory training and was given the option to either wait for 6 weeks for another group to come in and restart basic training or go home.  He said he's coming home!  He won't actually BE home for another 3 weeks-ish but he'll probably end up being home by my Spring Break so I can go visit!! YAY!

Prayers for both of us for wisdom on what to do next are greatly appreciated as now we are unsure as to whether we can actually go ahead with planning a summer 2012 wedding or if we'll have to push it back some.  Depends on jobs/school/etc.  Still not sure if he's gonna go back to school or not (fingers crossed that he will!).
Of course puppies eyes are open... don't remember if I posted about that yet... They are all growing like bad weeds! Snickers is doing well, she's going in for a spay tomorrow because our vet thinks she has a slight infection that's likely to get worse and since we aren't going to breed her again anyway we might as well spay now.
Finally got my raw food order from BlueRoseRaw, the stuff looks GREAT! Of course the beef heart is wonderful (at least the dogs think so!) and the pork necks look great too.  Twig tried one out and highly approved. This order we tried pork  necks, chicken backs, turkey chunks, tripe, spleen, and beef heart... Maybe we'll try to rabbit or goat next order!
Well... one of the perks of being a college student is that you occasionally have tests... I have one of those amazing critters to study for at present so I'll leave you all to ponder the greater mysteries of the universe and I shall go study Invert Zoology!

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