Thursday, June 30, 2011


Soo I thought it might be a good thing to get on here and update this since... er... I'm leaving for Camp in two days... YES TWO DAYS!!! THIS SATURDAY!! YAY!! and... not yay... since I just got a notice that my dog isn't allowed to come :( whatever... I'm sure he'll deal...

I'm also looking for wedding bands... not sure what I'm gonna do yet since Tim and I both like a couple of bands that have sapphires in them but I haven't found a sapphire contour band yet that fits with the engagement ring I've got... :/ oh well... I'll figure it out at some point... Right now we're either going to go with a plain white gold band and get a notch cut in it so that they fit together or I found a nice contour band with little diamonds all along it that looks pretty nice together... and it fits... I'm so indecisive right now!! And I kinda need to make a decision... soon... :D

Tim is settling in at his new base... not doing a whole lot of anything yet since he just got there but I think that they are starting training next week... not 100% certain... things always seem to be changing!!

I met a few new people on MSOS... love chatting with people who know what I'm going through!! It's a great support group...

Uh... the mices are still procreating... like little fiends!! Right now I'm at 64 mice... had a litter of 9 born almost 3 weeks ago, litter of 13 born 2 weeks ago, litter of 14 born 3 days ago and a litter of 10 born today!! O_O that's a lot of mice in case anyone was wondering!! I've also got a nice little agouti male I just picked up the other day... and a nice black female... so I'm up to three dark females and a dark male! YAY!! Hoping for some babies with color soon!!

Well... that's all the news for now... I'll be sure and update when I get home from camp! (maybe)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Not a Day Goes By....

Listening to Lonestar's "Not a Day Goes By" can almost always make me tear up... I think the only song worse is "I'm Already There"... which would bring to mind the question "why do you listen to them?" The answer to which would be... because! They remind me of... him... It's true, I miss him every single day, it doesn't matter how long he's been gone or when the last time I got a text or a call or a video chat was, I miss him! As I type this the shortest time it'll be until I see him again is a month and it's possible I won't see him until Christmas (which, for those who don't know, is a freaking long time!!). Tonight we had a decent video chat... Skype sucks if you were interested... Google Chat worked SO much better for us! I admit I have lousy internet but at least Google worked about 90%. It was so nice to be able to see him, I mean, he's got texting now so we text each other pretty much obsessively when he's not busy, but to SEE him... it's so nice. I think it's one of those things that you can't fully appreciate until you have had to go a long period of time without seeing your significant other!

MSOS is, once again, there to keep me supported and uplifted. It's ridiculous to look at my ticker and think to myself, 'really? he's only been gone for 4 days?!' It feels like FOREVER already :( oh well... I dealt with the last 5.5 months I can deal with the next 6.5! And this time, at the end of the time we're GETTING MARRIED!! WOOHOO!! I can't wait!! Probably not gonna be anything big (we both decided we didn't care) but we'll be married and able to see each other every day!!

We have found out that he's probably gonna be deploying around next May or June, possibly earlier if they change where he's headed. It seems like not that long right now but I'm not gonna think about it right now and we're just gonna take it as it comes. Goodness, Obama might have changed everything by then!! (not that I'm gonna get my hopes up for that but it COULD happen)

Tim has also (maybe) found a vehicle!! We were looking online tonight and he found one that looks pretty good... I'm hopeful that it'll run better and longer than the last vehicle he bought!!
---------Other Happenings-------------
The mices are being quite productive! I put my younger male in with my females from the first litter and he got busy right away... unfortunately the cat knocked open his container while I was cleaning the tank and ate him... stupid cat... Right now I've got a 10day old litter of 9 and a 3 day old litter of 13... all albino babies so far (cat ate my last litter of colored babies along with their momma). I'm hoping to get some new fancy mice females tomorrow while I'm in town.

The turtle is growing!! I can already see that he's bigger!! He has almost finished all the fishies I bought him before I left for Tim's house... I'll have to get some more of them tomorrow too. He does have his little turtle pellets but I think the fish eat more of them than he does! Silly fish.

I'm also looking for a new computer at the moment... Mine is just getting too unpredictable... I'm looking into tablets right now and I've found a couple that look really good, just need to actually BUY one!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So, the fiancée is home now!! He graduated June 9/10 and we drove up to his house (Fort Benning, GA to Rochester, NY in two days!) so we've just been chillin' for the past weekish... Unfortunately he flies out to his next duty station on the 20th :( I think we'll be OK though! He'll have his phone, internet, skype, etc so we'll be able to talk pretty much every day if we want to!! YAY!!

As you probably know, I'm working on applying to Kansas State University for the spring semester... If I don't get accepted to the program this time around I'm gonna talk to a recruiter and go to OCS... decisions decisions....

My albino mousey had some babies the other day.... now I've got... a bunch... i don't know exactly how many I've got!! lol The new litter has 8 in it though (9 but the cat got into it and I don't think that the one baby is gonna survive).

The Twigster has lost a little bit of weight, right now, since we're traveling, he's on canned food. I finally found some that doesn't have any wheat product in it so it's working for us nicely. It really doesn't have a whole lot of any grain in it... I'll have to check and see what the binder is, i'm sure that there is some sort of binder/filler/grain product in there!!

I shall attempt to update this later... Right now I've gotta go finish filling out my grad school application and get two more profs to write letters for me!!