Thursday, June 30, 2011


Soo I thought it might be a good thing to get on here and update this since... er... I'm leaving for Camp in two days... YES TWO DAYS!!! THIS SATURDAY!! YAY!! and... not yay... since I just got a notice that my dog isn't allowed to come :( whatever... I'm sure he'll deal...

I'm also looking for wedding bands... not sure what I'm gonna do yet since Tim and I both like a couple of bands that have sapphires in them but I haven't found a sapphire contour band yet that fits with the engagement ring I've got... :/ oh well... I'll figure it out at some point... Right now we're either going to go with a plain white gold band and get a notch cut in it so that they fit together or I found a nice contour band with little diamonds all along it that looks pretty nice together... and it fits... I'm so indecisive right now!! And I kinda need to make a decision... soon... :D

Tim is settling in at his new base... not doing a whole lot of anything yet since he just got there but I think that they are starting training next week... not 100% certain... things always seem to be changing!!

I met a few new people on MSOS... love chatting with people who know what I'm going through!! It's a great support group...

Uh... the mices are still procreating... like little fiends!! Right now I'm at 64 mice... had a litter of 9 born almost 3 weeks ago, litter of 13 born 2 weeks ago, litter of 14 born 3 days ago and a litter of 10 born today!! O_O that's a lot of mice in case anyone was wondering!! I've also got a nice little agouti male I just picked up the other day... and a nice black female... so I'm up to three dark females and a dark male! YAY!! Hoping for some babies with color soon!!

Well... that's all the news for now... I'll be sure and update when I get home from camp! (maybe)

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