Friday, October 12, 2012

Running. It's a Love-Hate thing.

So, my topic today is running... I hate running. I also love running.

So, in order for this whole Army thing to work I have to actually be in shape. Or at least I imagine it to be a good idea. I'm SURE there are people who head off to BCT in as good a shape (or worse) than I am right now, I'm just not sure it's a good idea. Seeing as I'd like to SURVIVE basic and EXCEL at it (jeez, I'd actually like to get to PICK my job once I'm through OCS, not just be handed the dredges!). So the hubby and I (bless his heart) have gone running a few times lately. OK, twice. Once last Friday...ish... and once last Tuesday... Yes, I realize that that's like twice in 10days, not the greatest for getting in shape, but we're busy people and I'm lazy. I am absolutely going to force myself to run Tuesday AND Thursday though of this coming week, whether or not he comes with me, because I WILL get in shape. I just have to figure out a way to not inhale icy air... It's killing me slowly, it's hard enough for me to breathe while running let alone when the coldness of the air is shutting down my lungs (yes, I'm a drama queen, deal with it or go away).

Anywho... the FIRST time we went he decided we were going on what he guestimated to be a 2mile run, when we got back and I mapped it (with this website), we found out that it's more like a 1.88 mile run. Anyways, we made it in about 17 minutes, so we kept up a speed of about 9:06/mile. NOT BAD! I mean, I thought I was DYING when I got back, but I did live, and I actually went out again with him the next week, so obviously it didn't scar me to badly. I was sore for about 3 days though, found muscles that I didn't even know I had and that I CERTAINLY haven't used in a while. We decided that for it being the first time he'd run in a year and the first time I've run since... er... Oh, I don't know... like 6years? We decided we did pretty well.

Tuesday when we went out we only went a mile... well, he "guestimated" that it was a mile... more like 1.1 but I won't hold it against him. He decided we were going for speed, uh? hello? I thought I was gonna die LAST time and that was at a slow pace!! I kept up with him for about 100feet and then decided I was going to run at my own nice, slow, pace. I managed to survive the 1.1 miles and I did so with a GLORIOUS 9minute 13second time. Which, for those interested, is about 8:20/mile. Basically, if I could keep that up for 2 miles (which there's NO WAY I would've been able to), I'd get an 89 on the running portion of the PT test. YAY ME!!! Honestly, even at my 17min two mile I would've gotten an 86 (and I only need a 60 to pass!).

So there you go. Running, my love-hate affair. I HATE the end results of running (the fatigue and feeling like I'm gonna die parts), but I LOVE actually running and seeing ANY improvement in my time (yes, I realize there isn't really any improvement yet as I just started) and I'm gonna LOVE getting my 100+ on my PT test! :D

Now, I must go and wake the husband, got places to go and people to see! Talk to ya'll later!

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