Happy New Year Everyone!
I've been working quite happily since the beginning of last August... It's a pretty nice gig, I'm the only female in my section which is pretty sweet, I don't have to worry about killing anyone! LOL Hubby and I have settled into our little apartment quite nicely and are actually considering having a baby. We've been trying since November, but no luck yet :(.
We adopted a 3 year old, tri-color, Rat Terrier in July, he's SO cute and he's gotten so much better around the both of us. He was super skittish when we first got him (hiding behind the couch for like 2 weeks!), but now he's awesome. He thinks that every single time we open the fridge he's gonna get fed, silly dog!
What else... We celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, and NewYears all by ourselves... A little sad, but we managed. We had a baby Christmas tree that we set up and we had a good Christmas, got lots of nice stuff. Among my presents (that I got for myself :D) was a chest freezer. It's small, but it was delivered today and I LOVE it! I'm gonna be able to fit so much more food in there for the dogs. I've already got an order of rabbit paid for and I'm gearing up for another order of raw food for them from RawPaws, they are a nice company that I've found that has a delivery point like 15 minutes away from me, can't wait to pick up some new proteins for the boys!
Finally, I've decided that I'm gonna really make a push to go more green/natural (not like, totally organic, just working my way into things slowly). My first step, since I just ran out of shampoo, is to go with The No-Poo Method. I only ever washed my hair every other day anyway (mostly 'cause I'm lazy and because I hate using expensive shampoo!), now I just use a mixture of baking soda and water to wash my hair with, about a tablespoon or so of baking soda and make it into a paste in the shower until it's slippery, then rinse it out. I haven't done the apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse that most of the places say you can do to condition because I haven't really had any trouble with dryness. I've been doing this for about 8 days now, and hubby says it doesn't look unclean or anything. It FEELS a little odd (kinda greasy, but not really), but it's not really that bad and it's been getting better every time I wash it. Next step, start my own garden! Yes, I live in an apartment, however, I've got a great front porch and I'm planning on growing some really nice veggies and what-not this summer. I'm not really planning on being able to totally sustain us as far as veggies, but if I can grow some squashes, beans, peas, carrots and hubby wants to try potatoes, I'd love it. It'd just be a container garden, but I'm pretty sure we'd be able to grow a few plants here and there.
Well, I think I've covered everything for now. Hopefully I'll be able to post a little more regularly!
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