So, we spent the last two weeks visiting family. A week with his family and a week with mine.
It was...interesting.... And educational.
We spent a lot of time doing nothing with his family, but we did go to the zoo up there and we went out to eat with a few of his friends.
My family we ended up doing less, but more... We didn't go out quite as much but we did more stuff. I helped mom and dad finish the strawberry raised bed, weeded some of the flower bed, we went on a couple walks and we went down and tried to figure out where we would put a house if we decided to build a house on their property.
Overall it was a good trip, Benjamin did quite well on the trip, considering he's only 8 months old and we didn't have any major problems driving.
When we got back my garden was MASSIVE! I picked two handfuls of peas, a dozen strawberries and there are some green tomatoes on the vines. There are tons more peas almost ready to pick and there will be a bunch more strawberries too. My blueberries are still growing, they're getting decent sized now, just need to ripen!!
My flowers are doing pretty well too, the Royal Allysum is about 4 inches tall and blooming and the marigolds I started from seed are starting to bloom. The pansy's and Portulacas that are in my window box are going crazy and I got a bunch of seeds off then this morning.
While I was on leave they called and told me they moved me back to the facility... I'm not sure why but it sucks, I'm still on day jobs but the hours increased to about 12-13/day instead of 8-10. No idea when I'm going to fit physical therapy, Benjamin's appointments and everything else in. I also don't know if I'll be able to take the classes I wanted to take for the Soldier For Life (SFL) program (basically the transition program for when you get out of the Army.
Well. I better go. Working on plans for my gardens and rabbit hutches today. Will talk later!
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