Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food and Exercise... Watching calories at work...

Anyone who know me probably knows that I don't really watch calories and I don't really need to watch calories... I've never been the type to just haphazardly gain weight.  In fact, I can't remember a time when I actually needed to pay attention to what I ate...

Recently it occurred to me though that if I was going to start exercising (and obviously burning more calories) I'd probably need to start watching what I ate.  Not because I'm worried that I'll gain too much weight because I'll be hungrier, but so that I can make sure I am eating ENOUGH.  I'm typically on the low end of my "ideal weight" anyway (ok, I'm UNDER my ideal weight by 3-5 pounds; go ahead, be jealous! :P) and it'll be impossible for me to gain any muscle if I don't start eating a little more.  I found this great website that has been REALLY cool so far.  It lets you put in what you eat and how many of it, if you can't find the item its really easy to add a new item as long as you know the nutrition info on it.  It also has a tab where you can put in how much "activity" you did that day and then you can click a button to have it show you your calorie balance!! For me its been nice the past few days 'cause I can look at it and maybe have another glass of milk or some peanut-butter toast.  I've used it for the past two days and I've still got a calorie deficit... a bad thing in my case... I'm currently working on finishing a pepperoni and cheese container from Docs Landing... its pretty good... I need to start carrying my own snacks though, this whole eating thing has potential to get expensive!

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