Thursday, January 20, 2011

School and Waiting... two things I hate

Sooo, had my 8th day of school today... that basically means we've had at least one of every class and lab... I think I'm gonna have a really good semester.  Lots of cool classes most of which with even cooler profs....

Vertebrate Zoology + lab --> Dr. Ropski
Invertebrate Zoology + lab --> Dr. Phillips
Physics 2 + lab --> Dr. Conklin for lecture, Dr. Hoch for lab
Financial Accounting --> Prof. Lui
Theology of Marriage --> Dr. Rivera
its a full 18 credits but still I don't think its gonna be too bad workload wise....

As many of my followers (do I HAVE any followers??) probably know, my fiance is currently away at BCT.  He left for Fort Benning, GA on January 4th 2011 to train to be an Infantryman.  Since Fort Benning does OSUT (One Station Unit Training) he won't have a graduation between BCT and AIT.  That's both good and bad... good part is I don't have to see him leave twice... bad part is he's gone for 15 straight weeks.... 9 for BCT and 5 for AIT (and 10 days for processing).  He called Saturday the 15th to say that he had mailed his address to his mom... but she still hasn't gotten it... I HATE waiting!!  I've written at least once a day since he left... twice a day the first few days... oh and I guess I did miss two days....

Well.... I had Physics homework to do tonight... it wasn't actually that bad... didn't take too long... I only went through two cups of coffee instead of my usual 4... I'm sure I'll finish it before the night's over though!  Tonight on my way out of my room I went to turn off the light and the lightswitch cover is off 'cause my room is waiting to be painted... and I must have stuck my finger into the cords or something and zapped myself.... I think I can honestly say I've never done that before.... I did it like 25 minutes ago and I still hurt....

Ah, my chickens laid three eggs today... and one of them was midget sized... like, not just small, this egg was TINY.  I'll try and post a picture of it but I probably won't get around to it for a while.... I'm a very busy... very lazy person....

Found a better website to keep track of what I eat... it is WAY faster than the other one and it automatically figures out how many calories I need to eat in order to gain a little weight... I only ate like 1500 calories yesterday... I think I've got a few more than that today... not sure though.... I shall write more.... later.... maybe....

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