Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Hate Being SICK!

Soo, hubby has been getting sick since Sunday, came home early yesterday and called off sick today :( He slept all day today though so hopefully he'll feel better soon.

We're getting the furnace put in today... well, more work on it... i don't know if it's gonna be ready or not today... I kind of doubt it but we'll see.

There's a person in Corry who wants 2 kittens but apparently doesn't "have the gas money" to get here... *sigh* I told her we'd hold the kittens until she comes to Erie on the 1st. I'm so sick of these freaking kittens.

I've had 4 people tell me that they'll get me letters of recommendation but I don't actually HAVE any yet... One should be coming on Saturday, and I hope the rest get here by Monday... I'd really like to take a few of them into the recruiters office sometime next week.

In other news, I am also coming down with something I think... I've had a sore throat for all of yesterday and today... It's kinda going away though now, I'm hoping that I'm not still sick tomorrow 'cause I have to work.

I'm excited to have a new furnace though! It's been getting really cold at night lately.

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