Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fair Results...

The fair was FUN! and then I ended up having to ride the horse home on Sunday because my friend was having a problem with her trailer, then they went out at like 11pm on Saturday to pick up the horses and I didn't want to be out that late... It worked, took me just under 2 hours to get him home (and we made it before it rained!).

Friday we got 4th in Cutback (it's a confusingly patterned game...), 5th in Trail and 5th in poles. Not too bad considering that the judge hated my guts... she seriously like reprimanded me in front of the entire group because my phone accidently went off and I got seen turning it off. Like, seriously? It's the FUNSHOW!! and where did she want me to leave it? There was no-one else with me! Was I just supposed to throw it on the ground and hope nobody ran it over or stole it?

Anyways... I picked up Stevie yesterday! He's really, really cute and super tiny. He's not even as long as my thunb (his body WITH his tail). He's really cool though, he kinda just chills in his little container, gonna have to get him some sort of a heat lamp though because the house is cooling off a little too much for him at night I think.

Today I'm going to drop off Zorro to get neutered... the first of several cats that I need to take in! Thankfully there's a program here where I can get them done for virtually nothing. I'm not sure yet if they're gonna charge me for flea meds (probably since they ALL have fleas) but I can't really do anything about that, I've been TRYING to get rid of the fleas... Oh well, I don't really care, this is gonna save me like $50 a cat to get them done. 50 bucks which we don't have to spend on cat neutering right now!

Hopefully everything goes smoothly with that though, not really worried except that I'm pretty sure he shoved the door into the cat food open and ate a little bit, which he wasn't supposed to do, BAD KITTEH!! lol

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